Mindfulness@Work is a 10 week evening course conducted in cities across Australia starting January and February 2015.

Do you feel under pressure to meet the demands of a busy work life? Are you looking for opportunities to be more effective and focused, both at work and at home? Are you interested in learning techniques to be more responsive and less reactive in everyday life?

This enjoyable and interactive program, delivered in more than 20 countries since 2009, is proven to help you become more deeply focused, fully present, high-performing and at ease – even in the midst of a busy working life.

Clients include NSW Health, General Electric, AXA, Telstra, GHD, Carlsberg, Google, Suncor, Nike, Accenture, Sony, BP and Landor.

Mindfulness@Work is is a a groundbreaking “high performance mind” framework developed by The Potential Project in collaboration with leading scientists, corporate executives and masters of the mind-training tradition over the past 7 years. Ideal for:

  • Leaders & Managers in operations.
  • Business owners.
  • Financial Sector professionals.
  • HR & Training and Development 
  • Sales & Marketing professionals.
  • Coaches.
  • Anyone seeking to better manage 
their workload and personal life.

Facilitators: Eve Wilson, Sabina Vitacca & Nathalie Heynderickx

Timing: Monday evenings starting 23 February 2015

For more information: download the course flyer.

For registration & enquiries: sabina.vitacca@potentialproject.com.au  / 0429 900 017

Thank you for a well run, enjoyable and productive course. It has given me very useable and effective ways to be clear about priorities and build better habits. My thinking is clearer; I am calmer in dealings with stress and crisis situations; I feel improved happiness and contentment in both my personal and work life and definitely more effective overall.
— May 2013
Diana Hill

Manager, Design & Development, Parks & City Services, ACT Government

To address the challenges of an always connected, always-on working life, I decided to take an unconventional approach to trying to support my own and my team’s ability to reduce stress and gain focus. The Potential Project’s CBMT program enabled us to not only understand the science behind mindfulness but more importantly how we can integrate it into our daily working life. My team and I have developed a regular mindfulness practice and have positively altered the way in which we conduct meetings and use email. We are learning to become more present, and with more presence comes greater engagement, meaning and productivity.
— March 2013
Loren I. Shuster

Country Director, Singapore & Emerging Markets, Google Asia Pacific